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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 483-625

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On Weak Solutions of a Mildly Nonlinear Dirichlet Problem

M. B. Rosenzweig

pp. 483-495

A Recurrence Concerning Rayleigh Functions

N. Liron

pp. 496-499

A Variation of Hadamard's Finite Part Integrals

Paul B. Bailey

pp. 500-504

Existence Theorem and Convergence of Minimizing Sequences in Extremum Problems

Zita Poracká-Divis

pp. 505-510

Bounded Solutions for a Second Order Nonlinear Equation

H. Arthur Dekleine

pp. 511-520

Pointwise Bounds on Derivatives of Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations

Geoffrey Butler and Thomas Rogers

pp. 521-528

Trigonometric Approximation in the Sobolev Spaces $W^{r,2} [ - \pi ,\pi ]$ with Constant Weights

Edgar A. Cohen, Jr.

pp. 529-535

Disconjugacy Tests for Singular Linear Differential Equations

D. Willett

pp. 536-545

The Asymptotic Distribution of Eigenvalues for the Boundary Value Problem $y''(x) - \lambda ^2 p(x)y(x) = 0,y \in L_2 ( - \infty , + \infty )$

Laurence Weinberg

pp. 546-566

The Behavior as $\varepsilon \to + 0$ of Solutions to $\varepsilon \nabla ^2 w = {{\partial w} / {\partial y}}$ in $| y | \leqq 1$ for Discontinuous Boundary Data

L. Pamela Cook and G. S. S. Ludford

pp. 567-594

The Summation of Series

M. Lawrence Glasser

pp. 595-600

Uncertainty Inequalities for Hankel Transforms

Patrick C. Bowie

pp. 601-606

Almost Everywhere Convergence of Fourier Series on the Ring of Integers of a Local Field

R. A. Hunt and M. H. Taibleson

pp. 607-625